12 year old Ayden loved his marketing class at the middle school he attended. He especially loved the  lessons and projects that they did in class. One of his favorites was the lesson they covered on “Shark Tank”, a popular tv show that gives budding entrepreneurs the opportunity to showcase their inventions, products and services to investors.

Ayden knew that he wanted to be an entrepreneur but didn’t have an invention (yet), or any products or services to market. His mother suggested he sell lemonade. Ayden, unimpressed, thought that it would be a waste of time as there was little profit potential involved in the sale of lemonade. (Seriously, he said that the profit potential was too low.) Okay, his actual words were something along the lines of… “Mom, it would take me forever to make any real ROI (return on investment) from selling lemonade. Don’t kids sell them in their neighborhoods for like $0.25 a cup”?

Mom convinced him to research it and he realized that a good, quality cup of lemonade could indeed ensure him a reasonable ROI, and so he started Lemon Ayden.

(True story)